Hot Stone Massage

Top 5 Reasons To Have A Hot Stone Massage

1 May, 2016
What is Hot Stone Massage? Hot Stone Massage is a beautiful combination of Manual Massage and Hot Basalt Stones.  Mainly focusing on relaxation, the stones can allow for deeper work due to the gentle penetrating heat.  These can either be…

Keeping Calm With Massage

2 Oct, 2013
Have you ever thought about what is actually happening inside your body when you are receiving a massage?  Firstly, taking the time out of a busy schedule to lay down and put yourself in the hands of a massage therapist…
So, What Is Health Anyway?

Sciatica? Then Avoid These 3 Exercises Like The Plague

30 Apr, 2013
by Lisa O’Brien, Remedial Massage Therapist The sciatic nerve is the longest and widest single nerve in your body, running from your lower spine down each leg and ending in each foot. It stems deep down through your buttocks and…

Natural Pain Relief

In 2011, hydrocodone was the most prescribed drug in America, according to WebMD. The treatment of pain can be as complex as it is individual. Sometimes, pain medication is necessary. Other times, natural solutions are just as effective, if not…
Massage – A Treatment, Not a Treat

Massage – A Treatment, Not a Treat

27 Jun, 2012
Most of us think of massage as indulgence. We get one as a treat, and if we’re really lucky, our spouse might give us a massage at the end of a long, hard day just to make us feel nice.…
A Man's Guide To Essential Vitamins & Minerals

What About Me? The Hidden Cost of Compromise

13 Mar, 2012
We all sacrifice parts of ourselves and our lives for the greater good of our value systems. Some women place great value on their home lives and sacrifice huge amounts of themselves in order to adapt to their husband’s agenda,…